Sunday, July 25, 2004

This week in House News

Well, not a whole lot to report this week.  We still don't know what's going on.  They still want Rob to liquidate his 401k and I still don't want him to but it looks like it's the only way to appease them so we might have to.  Everyone else seems to think we're buying this house but us.  The realtor and the seller are working to get it fixed up, our attorney is getting us a closing date, and our insurance agent is writing up the homeowner's insurance.  We are packing but we only have less than 3 weeks left on our lease here so we're moving somewhere by the 15th, who knows where tho :P.   Nothing new for the house this week but I put some stuff on the amazon list that was little stuff I'd like.  I still have a bit more tho. 

Still in love with the chair from Raymour and Flanagan.  Still need a stove and fridge.  So nothing new there :)  I sound whiny but that's cuz I'm worrying.

That's all she wrote.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Oh yeah

I wanted to mention that when Dimitri died we snuck over to the new house and buried him in the backyard. So now we really gotta buy this house!

update for today:

It's Weds. I don't know what Rob did today but yesterday he was a good boy and paid most of his old debt and made arrangements for the rest. That means he's prolly gonna have kickass credit in a year or two.. but for now we'll settle with buying our house. Hopefully we'll get the landlord reference by friday and all the other riffraff for this and we can supposedly have a closing in a week... a week to my bank means 5 tho so take that as you want.

Today Rob was supposed to call people and get a copy of the downpayment check and all that good stuff. There's no doubt about it, M&T bank sucks ass. Big wet hairy ass.

On the plus side, Rob's mom found a chair like my sister in law's and it's not too expensive so we might splurge on that in a few weeks :) We'll see *crosses fingers*.

Rob wants 2 pugs now.. he thinks we need a Murphy to go with the Matilda I want. I'm not convinced!

that's all for now!

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Some Independance Day!

So, this weekend's trauma is as follows!

When Rob first went in for the mortgage we were hoping to do a Sonyma mortgage. This is the world's best program for low income people. I'm not cheering that we're considered low income, but they consider under 47k for 2 people low income so we are. Anyway, with this program we'd get a bank loan at the rate of 4.25% which even in the best of times is an awesome rate. Well, in order to do this program we had to fork over 2k to close out all our old debt and with me not yet at work and us just barely going to scrape into this house, we decided to screw it and get the conventional mortgage, which didn't need us to do such a thing.

Fast forward 6 agonizing weeks, we get a call last monday that we're finally officially approved (tho we've been told all along we were, we just never believed it) but there are provisions. My husband, in his infinite wisdom.. no, I really mean stupidity, was so excited about this that he didn't ask what the provisions were. Then, friday afternoon, July 2nd, last business day before most people go on a 3 or 4 day weekend, at 5pm when I get home from work, I pick up the mortgage commitment and read these so called provisions. Now why, in the 4 full days we knew about these provisions could my husband not call (he's the applicant so I can't) and find out what they were, he'd just prefer I find out on Friday, when there's noone we can talk to.

Provision problem: you must pay off that old debt. Yeah, there it is. Albeit, 6 weeks later we're in a better place to pay this off since i've been working for 4 weeks and we're not yet needing my little nest egg for the fridge and oven (even tho he needed some of it to put in his account).. and his stocks were recently purchased (a whole 11 shares). So, 6 weeks later, we've got to pay this off. Now, obviously, we would have qualified for that 4.25% loan and not the 6.55% conventional. Can we say Fuck?

The mortgage dude swore up and down this wasn't a problem. But we were lied to, to the ending up tune of 18k. Yep, that nice 2.3% or whatever will eventually cost us 18k over the 30 year life of the loan. How nice is that? Thanks mister! Obviously, we're not as shocked at that 18k as we would have been had we still not been able to qualify. But since we couldn't qualify we went with the smarter choice of ease. I mean we still don't plan on being in this house for the rest of our lives or never refinancing but how does this guy sleep at night baldfaced lying to people?

I'm not as mad as I was yesterday, but it's still bitter tasting. On the plus side, I picked up my knobs. I wish I had a digital camera to show them to you guys but you'll have to wait til I build my nest egg back up to afford a luxury (considering this Friday's paycheck is already prespent on rent since Rob's money is going to pay off these old debts) And it's not like hundreds of thousands of dollars, we'll handle it, just not going to have as big of a cushion as we would have liked to have had walking into a new house. Thank goodness I got a job tho.

Anyway, I think that's it. I'd like to pack up some more but we're still nervous about all this info... including finding financial references.. like our landlord.. please let the space cadets give us a nice letter. We were good people, just don't blame us for forgetting to pay our rent for 8 days! We never bothered a fly in the 5 years we lived here!

I need a pug.. badly. Rob called the lady about them. 500 bucks includes first shots, she has 10 pugs, 3 are retired, so 7 little puggies are gonna help me get a pug. She said call back in late August or Early September. Maybe I'll have a Halloween pug!

Okay, that's all for now, I feel better.