Saturday, August 07, 2004

It's not even 6am...

and I'm prolly too damn excited to sleep and the closing isn't til Monday. Didn't I mention? Oh! We got a closing date :) On Monday, at noon, Rob will be signing his life away (all cept the part I own :)) and then we get the electricity turned on and then.... MOVERS! At 2:30pmish, a flock of movers (that's how they come) will descend upon my tiny apt and carry away all my junk to a bigger house we can't wait to mess up! :)

We've still got a fair bit to pack and I almost feel I'm sort of lingering because I love to pack so much and we have to stay home most of the weekend to insure we don't spend our closing money which we STILL don't have a total for. That's really really scary to me. That's prolly scarier to me. Anyway, time to go help someone on the mud since I'm up anyway.

ciao for now!


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