Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Oh yeah

I wanted to mention that when Dimitri died we snuck over to the new house and buried him in the backyard. So now we really gotta buy this house!

update for today:

It's Weds. I don't know what Rob did today but yesterday he was a good boy and paid most of his old debt and made arrangements for the rest. That means he's prolly gonna have kickass credit in a year or two.. but for now we'll settle with buying our house. Hopefully we'll get the landlord reference by friday and all the other riffraff for this and we can supposedly have a closing in a week... a week to my bank means 5 tho so take that as you want.

Today Rob was supposed to call people and get a copy of the downpayment check and all that good stuff. There's no doubt about it, M&T bank sucks ass. Big wet hairy ass.

On the plus side, Rob's mom found a chair like my sister in law's and it's not too expensive so we might splurge on that in a few weeks :) We'll see *crosses fingers*.

Rob wants 2 pugs now.. he thinks we need a Murphy to go with the Matilda I want. I'm not convinced!

that's all for now!


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